Gina Haspel's gender not likely to distract liberals from concerns about her human rights record
Trump celebrated Haspel’s hiring by noting her gender http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
'You're fired': A timeline of Trump administration departures
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
Surging Democrat takes House special election down to the wire
Conor Lamb’s campaign gave Democrats a shot in this slice of Trump country in southwest Pennsylvania. Both parties focused on ... -
After Tillerson, embattled VA secretary could be next, Trump’s advisers say
President is considering Energy Secretary Rick Perry to replace Veterans Affairs chief David J. Shulkin. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
‘It was a different mind-set’: How Trump soured on Tillerson as his top diplomat
The president dumps his secretary of state via Twitter, ending a 14-month relationship defined by mutual animosity and frustration. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
Trump unrestrained: Recent moves show president listening to his gut more than advisers
Trump’s impulsive moves on Tillerson, trade and North Korea alarm critics and his staff. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
Sunshine Week is turbid under Trump
“At the White House and in many agencies, transparency seems to be perceived as an enemy, rather than an indispensable ... -
Complaint alleges Sen. Ben Clark lives outside his district
RAEFORD — The mayor pro tem of Spring Lake filed a complaint on Tuesday with the Hoke County Board of ... -
In first California visit, Trump visits border-wall prototypes, blasts Gov. Jerry Brown
The president said Gov. Jerry Brown was doing “a terrible job” and also denounced the state’s sanctuary cities. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -
To attract GOP moderates, House immigration bill could become more generous for DACA recipients
The Goodlatte immigration bill is increasingly seen by Republican leaders as the last chance this election year to kick-start congressional ...